Embark on a journey through the lush canopy of the Amazon,
where the whispers of ancient trees converge into the invisible rivers of the air.
Our global headquarters
Here, in the heart of nature's untouched splendor, our Ô Amazon Air Water is born. Through the whispers of leaves and the breath of the forest, Amazonian trees transpire and sculpt the sky's hidden rivers, creating a source of purity and taste unparalleled in its essence. With the revolutionary GAUA System, an evolution of our globally acclaimed AWG technology, we delicately harvest this aerial bounty. This innovative process allows us to capture the mist of the Amazon, transforming it into an exquisite fine water. Each droplet is a testament to the purity and vitality of the world's most majestic rainforest, offering you not just hydration, but an elixir of life itself. Drink, breathe and live.
The Amazon is a humid tropical forest that extends across the Amazon River basin, a vast natural tropical area, measuring approximately 6.74 million km². It covers eight countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela. To give you an idea of its grandeur, if the Amazon were a country, it would be the seventh largest in the world. It is where more than a third of the planet's species live and reproduce. The forest is home to 2,500 species of trees and 30,000 of the one hundred thousand species of plants that exist throughout Latin America.
But the Amazon is not just a forest, it is also a world of water. More than 6,400 kilometers long, the Amazon River is fed by several tributaries. It is also the axis of the Amazon river basin and descends from the top of the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean, where it deposits its waters. The water that the Amazon takes to the sea is equivalent to almost a sixth of all the fresh water that flows into the world's oceans. It is an extremely complex and dynamic biome. The watershed is made up of a variety of landscapes and ecosystems, which include tropical forests, flooded forests or floodplains, savannas, and an intricate network of rivers, lakes, and streams.
Our global headquarters
We believe that the time has passed when profit was the sole objective of companies. Today they need to have bigger purposes, which often transcend trade itself. They need to align the search for financial results with something that will leave a positive residual, do good and improve people’s lives. It is not possible for us to conceive a better way of doing this than to bring sustainable development to the Amazon, fostering the region’s economy without taking anything from the environment, besides a little water from the air. Barcelos is a Brazilian municipality located in the State of Amazonas. Belonging to the Mesoregion of the North Amazon and Microregion of Rio Negro. It is a historical city, having been the first capital of the province of Amazonas before the administrative headquarters was transferred to Manaus.
It lies on the right bank of the Negro River. Its area, which is 122,476 km², makes the municipality the largest in the State of Amazonas in territorial area, and the second largest in Brazil, only behind Altamira, in the State of Pará. It is also part of the list of the largest municipalities in the world in territorial area. The area represents 7.79% of the State, 3.17% of the Region and 1.44% of the entire Brazilian territory.
On the other hand, its population is only 25,835 inhabitants, according to estimates from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2014. Barcelos is located 405 km from Manaus and 656 km by river.

Barcelos | Rio Negro | Amazonas
Location: 0°58'54.2"S 62°54'24.2"W |
Federative Unit Amazonas | Mesoregion | Northern Brazil | AMAZÔNIA
THE COMPLEX ÁREA: 1,750,000 M2
We used the construction of an old palm heart factory embedded in an area of its own forest of 1.75 million square meters. In June 2014 the Municipality of Barcelos approved a bill that provides for the concession for 30 years, renewable for 30 years, of the use of land for the project.
Our innovative technology

Ô Amazon Air Water is the first water produced from the air of Amazon, establishing a new sustainable business concept. After the experience of implementing this product - the innovation of AWG technology came to meet the demands that arose with the difficulties of the enterprise. Some integrated studies and an update survey of the production of water from air humidity - our EPAUA 01 was created - the first air humidity production station installed in the heart of Amazon Rainforest. Understanding all needs – analyzing software updates market and carrying out the venture of our water from the air - we arrived the evolution of the AWG creating the AMAZÔNIA GAUA system, bringing real solutions to the great quest of human beings today - produce and offer quality WATER for everyone.

AWG (Atmospheric Water Generator) GAUA technology consists of efficiently removing water from the air and making it suitable for human consumption through the condensation and filtration process. It is considered green technology. It is approved by the UN, Anvisa, Euraceta-FR Laboratory, CAESB, American University of Beirut, San Antônio Laboratory – Texas, Infraero, Jahannesburg Water, Chemical Laboratory Brasília - DF, Ministry of Health, Government of the State of Goiás, TECPAR (Government of Paraná), ITEP (Pernambucano Institute of Technology), Food Hygiene Laboratory – Faculty of Health and UNB, among other regulatory bodies around the world.

Operation as illustrated: 1. Outdoor air passes through an efficient air filter and germicidal ultraviolet (UV) light, which purifies the air by removing dust, pollen, mold spores, bacteria and other miscellaneous particles from the air; 2. Moisture from outside air is condensed on the “cooling coil” and collected in a storage tank and protected with ultraviolet (UV) light and continuously ozonized to ensure it is free of contaminants;3. According to demand, water is removed from the tank, filtered through a carbon filter (VOC) and then passed again through the sanitary germicidal UV light;4. The water will then be ready to be served, natural, hot or cold, through water units that can be allocated anywhere where water is needed;

Our inaugural edition fine water bottle, the pioneer of our vision, has crystallized the essence of quality
and rarity. It stands as a beacon of luxury, a tribute to the most precious raw material known to humanity.
With Ô Amazon Air Water, you are not just sipping water; you are partaking in the spirit of the Amazon,
a fluid mosaic of the sky and the forest. Our commitment is unwavering, as we are the sole purveyors of this miracle of nature, the only company in the world extracting water from the ethereal rivers of the Amazon.
With each bottle, we invite you to taste the purity, to savor the story, and to embrace the exclusive luxury
that is Ô Amazon Air Water. This isn't just water; it's a journey, a philosophy, and a tribute to the wonders
of our planet. Join us in the experience that is as rare and precious as the water we offer.

We use "GAUA" (Air Water Generator), patented and scientifically proven technology. The process is simple and without any interference in its result. Our water is produced by the trees in the forest, which form the flying rivers. With no environmental impact, we condense a small amount. Our bottle is made of glass by Owens Illinois, our stopper is made of glass by Vinlok and the packaging by AMAZON EMBALAGEM. Exclusive product and limited quantity. Our production is in the heart of the Amazon Forest - in the municipality of Barcelos Amazonas | Brazil.


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All money raised goes to social projects in the Amazon region that we produce.